My Lovely Arty Followers

Friday, 31 May 2013

Before and After OR After and Before !!

Hi, am starting with the After.....................and then tell you all about it.................

the story is, a fortnight ago in Art Class we had to do quick watercolour sketch of a picture of our choice

This is it......

and then we were given an artist to do it in the style of...............mine was Klimt......

This is what I started with..........

Pencil and Texture Paste

added the Acrylics and a Gold Signo pen and ended up with this

the tricky bit was painting the Texture Paste............why is it your hand shakes over the tricky bits.........

Its been a good week craft and artwise  and got a lot done..........woo hoo, but the weather has been a no no, cloud and rain every day...........We missed out on Spring, hope we don't miss out on Summer as my poor old body needs some sunshine..

Thank you for visiting me, take care of yourselves, wishing you a lovely weekend, Happy PPF to the PPF'ers.  Hugs Annette xx


Tracey FK said...

Glad your hand shakes over the tricky bits as well... I really like that finished product and think you were channeling Klimt perfectly...xx

Unknown said...

That texture paste can be tricky, you've done brilliantly with it and the rest of the painting. Great Klimt inspired piece.

VonnyK said...

The colour is just beautiful, I'm a real fan of blues. The texture looks great but I agree it's hard to paint over and my hand always shakes too.
Von. said...

I love your Klimt inspired painting and the textured pattern down the side compliments it very well:) HPPF

Lorraine said...

just beautiful happy ppf

Pam said...

This is so bright and happy!! Love the texture paste part too! (my hands would be shaking as well!) Have a lovely weekend, and hope you get some sun!!

Christine said...

Lovely 'after' piece!

Giggles said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this painting so much Netty!! This is your beautiful. I like yours best...and I love klimt...

Hugs Giggles

Zana said...

So love the blues. Have a happy PPF

Mary C. Nasser said...

Oh, Netty!
I love this beautiful blue palette!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

1CardCreator said...

Stunning effect Annette, if that's what your hand shaking does, keep on shaking! ~Diane

aimee said...

gorgeous blues and beautiful painting!

Debbie said...

I love both versions - the watercolor is lovely, too. Your blues are gorgeous!

GlorV1 said...

Both versions are wonderful Netty. Love the color. Blues are just awesome. Have a great weekend.

Karin said...

Beautiful painting, great technique!
Have a nice weekend!
Groetjes karin

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful painting! Hugs, Valerie

Ivy said...

So beautiful, love the gorgeous blues and greens! HPPF!

Anne Manda said...

Beautiful, love how you did the decorative bits! <3

Sandy said...

Hey Annette!!! I just shake my head in wonder!!! When you got it, you got it and kid you have it!! Beautiful painting with grand colors and I love the texture.

peggy gatto said...

I love the whimsy, color and design, just a delight!!

Anonymous said...

Love the after and all the texture you have put into this piece. Marvelous bold color choice. Happy PPF

kat said...

This is another beauty Netty! It has fully come to life and looks so great, Bravo!

Linda Kunsman said...

you have created such a beautiful interpretation Netty-bravo!!

Words and Pictures said...

I agree we could do with some sunshine, but for now I'll take your gorgeous gilded Klimt-style flowers! Wonderful work...
Alison x

sharon said...

Using the texture was inspired, this art is so you, just gorgeous!

PiaRom said...

very nice klimt touch the blue textures swirls ♥ Conny

Debbie said...

I love both of your awesome paintings! The blues and greens are my fav!

Joy Murray said...

Love those brilliant blues. You did a great job. I'm sure Klimt would agree.

PaintingWrite said...

This is lovely. I like that you get to practice doing paintings in the style of a famous artist - gets you trying new things. Perhaps that's what I need to do!

soulbrush said...

Yes it is very Klimt. Love the coloured background. Is texture paste what we think of here as gesso? I love using it. Happy PPF

Unknown said...

Oh I adore the finished result. Very LUSH Dxx

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Wow! This is officially one of my favorite pieces of yours, Netty. Blessings!

Deepa Gopal said...

Loved this's beautiful!

Ginny said...

This beautiful. You really have interesting classes and what you create with the assignment is always so beautiful.

RitaJC said...

Beautiful, cheerful work!
Thank you so much for sharing your process! Happy PPF!

Tammie Dickerson said...

Love your painting this week, Annette! It is lovely and the colors are rich! Beautiful!

Carolyn Dube said...

Love how this turned out- esp. love the way you used the texture paste!

Unknown said...

I don't know if this will help you, but I discovered a trick to keep my hand from shaking... or should I say that I have noticed WHY mine shakes!

I have noticed that if I concentrate real hard and look at my hand or the end of the brush all at once, my hand shakes. If I cast my eyes just beyond where I want to brush to go, it stops! For example... If I am painting in a straight or flowing line, I don't look at the brush...I look where I want to brush to go.

Try it and see if it helps! Love you wonderful piece. It's whimsical and fun!

Heather Henry said...

Love how this turned out, especially the colors and the textures. It has almost a folk art feel to it, with a bit of whimsy. Have a beautiful week, hope you get to see some sunshine too. :D

Kim Dellow said...

Wonderful! Love your Klimt inspired picture! Kimx

Tam Hess said...

Netty it turned out wonderful. I especially love the colors you used. Here's hoping for some sun for you!! Thanks for sharing your work...Happy Sunday Sketches!

Ariel said...

Your painting is beautiful. Love the blues

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Oh, that is a fabulous idea and you did a fantastic job. Love your painting!

Elisa said...

wonderful painting Netty! really adore the colors. :)

JKW said...

I love the effect of the sculptured look. Yep, shaky hands has given me lots of different picture looks :) So interesting how the art teacher changed it up. Blessings, Janet PPF

Unknown said...

This looks amazing my friend. I love the way it turned out. And I love seeing how it started out. Brilliant.


the steve kane show said...

I like this! The color palette is great :)

Unknown said...

The texture's so interesting!

Lisabella Russo said...

It's lovely! The texture paint looks great. It's a great take on the Klimt motif with a strong feeling of your unique art.

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your Klimt inspired piece!! Love the blue palette, love the texture, love the border ~ it's super!! Hugs ~ Rhonda ♥

Anonymous said...

I am definitely going to be following both your blogs. Lea xx

Kristin said...

How did I miss this before? What a wonderful piece and tribute!
Thank you too for your SOC comment - looking forward to seeing what you do with those colors - and in case you tried to vote, please know that it's been taken care of :) xo

Erika said...

Dear Netty, your Colors are beautiful! That texture paste is very excited, to give them more Tension. I love this and your way to Klimt.
Happy SOC and hugs

Michelle Webb said...

Netty I really love looking at your arty paintings. This is a great take on a Klimt technique. I love it. Michelle x

Gloria j Zucaro said...

I love Klimt and I love your most beautiful version in all my favorite colors!

stefanie stark said...

I am totally impressed of all these beautiful pictures you painted! I think I have never seen this blog of you before! I am happy that I found it ...

Victoria said...

Wowness..I totally love this Annette..the colors are magical and the style is the texture!!! Gorgeous!